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Writer's pictureWilmari Muller


Updated: Oct 19, 2022

So last time we saw each other I was going on and on about Friends and ended at the 9/11 memorial...well let's continue the journey!

I took the subway down to lower Manhattan to visit the World trade center and if there is one thing you need to put on your To Do list when you go to New York, THIS IS IT!

It was a very surreal experience to see it all and walk around where the once well-known Twin Towers were standing sky high. For a place with a great number of visitors at the time it was incredibly quiet.

People were standing taking pictures and paying their respects to all the first responders who we lost during 9/11, but it wasn't until I went into the museum that my breath was completely taken away!

Seeing it all was other words can describe it and there for you have to go see it yourself to fully understand it. Walking past slideshows, firetrucks, steps that were remaining and everything else found in the remains of the buildings were eye opening! And I was fortunate enough to hear the story from someone who witnessed it all, someone who saw everything happening and who were kind enough to share it with me!

I may never know the answers to the questions that plagued me after 9/11. But I know if we lean on God and each other we will be guided to a brighter future! Michael Hingson, 9/11 survivor

After all that I met up with two friends from Germany and we went to Wollman Rink in Central Park!

Now if you read my very first blog post you will know that the movie Serendipity with John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale, one of my ultimate favorite movies of all time is.

If you have watched the movie before you will also know that the final scene of the movie took place at this exact spot in Central Park...WOLLMAN RINK!

Back home I've begged my dad to take me ice skating, but there was never a right time and now I know why, because to be ice skating for the very first time is great, BUT to be ice skating in Central Park at night for the very first time was like a dream come true, one I never know I had until that exact moment when we put our skates on and joined the crowd on the ice!

It was mesmerizing, the trees all around you combined with the city lights blinking above them and Christmas music playing combined with the hysterical laughter of people skating and others falling. From little kids, grandparents to groups of friends all breathing in the crisp winter air and enjoying the Christmas spirit going around!

My heart was full and after two hours skating...IT HAPPEND...on our very last round just moments before we reached the gate to get out of the rink I fell! Now if I say I fell then I don't talk about casually falling down and getting back up again...OH NO I talk about losing my balance so bad that I grabbed onto the girl next to me, dragged her down and after we fell over each other CRUSHED into two other people! It was quite the disaster, but a better sign to end the night we couldn't have asked for...all in all I think that might have been the best two hours not only of my entire trip, but of my entire life!

REMEMBER: You were born an original, don't die a duplicate...

ps. go like and subscribe...see you next time in HAWAII!

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